Now that WS-Federation 1.1 is out…
[WS-Federation 1.1], when are thought leaders at vendors like Sun going to come clean and mention this in their blogs. Their silence is suspicious! This is c...
[WS-Federation 1.1], when are thought leaders at vendors like Sun going to come clean and mention this in their blogs. Their silence is suspicious! This is c...
OK, Eve, you got me. Here are my five.
VeriSign Labs - XMLSIG For Dynamic Languages The XMLSIG FOR DYNAMIC LANGUAGES project aims to create a set of libraries for securing XML format informatio...
Conor and Paul both recently responded to James’ questions on federated authorization. Conor quite rightly pointed out that I managed to describe two common ...
No Silver Bullet: Brooks’ 1987 essay on (the impossibility of) software engineering panaceas (tags: brooks programming softwareengineering)