Enabling Virtual Federation With OpenSSO

less than 1 minute read

Unveiled in OpenSSO last year, virtual federation is a technique for integrating existing (‘legacy’) applications with federation protocols such as SAML 2.0, allowing them to interact across enterprise boundaries. Today at Sun Developer Network’s identity pages, Mike Hortobagyi, a solutions architect with Brighton Consulting (and ‘horto’ on the #opensso IRC channel), and Marina Sum, who must be just about the hardest working writer at SDN, give an overview of virtual federation and OpenSSO’s Secure Attributes Exchange (SAE) component. This is part one of a two part series based on Mike’s experiences over the past few months working with a Canadian financial services provider setting up virtual federation with a series of Canadian banks, so it’s the real deal!

You might also be interested to know that each Sun Developer network article now has a discussion section - I just kicked things off for Mike and Marina’s article - why don’t you go read the article now and let them know what YOU think?



Marina Sum

Thanks a lot, Pat. Working on the OpenSSO-related articles on SDN has been a fabulous experience for me. I've learned a lot and can't rave enough about the fantastic cooperation I've received from the coauthors.


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