Sun Federation Manager Demonstration
My previous job at Sun (until January 2005) was as technical product manager for Access Manager. The main reason I moved back to engineering to take a technical architect role was so that my business card didn’t read like a tongue-twister . Anyway - I still dabble on the technical marketing side, helping out when things get busy over there, like last month’s technical sales training boondoggle event in Las Vegas - two days of lectures and labs bringing together Sun’s identity management marketing team and the Sun system engineers (=sales engineers) affiliated with identity management.
My contribution (no - I didn’t get to go to Vegas!) was a new front end for the Federation Manager Liberty Identity Federation Framework (ID-FF) single sign-on (SSO) sample. This sample, shipped with Federation Manager, shows how to get Liberty ID-FF SSO working between an Identity Provider and a Service Provider. Out-of-the-box, this sample comprised a set of functional, yet plain, JSPs. I re-used some old demo layouts to give the sample a bit of pizazz so the SEs could take something away as the basis for a demo. I was going to just put up a few screenshots here to walk you, the reader, through a simple SSO scenario, but then I realised that it would actually be less work to use Qarbon’s Viewletbuilder to whip up a flash presentation. So - here it is - just click on the screen below and discover the magic of federated single sign-on…
[ **Click to view Flash presentation**](images/FederationManagerLibertySSODemo_viewlet_swf.html) |
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