All-New Fall Schedule

2 minute read

I have a packed schedule this fall - well, packed for me, anyway:

First up, next week, is Digital ID World at the Hilton in San Francisco. I’ll be there for Sun’s reception on Monday evening and the Concordia workshop on Wednesday. The last Concordia workshop, colocated with Burton Catalyst, back in June, gave some great insights into some real-world identity interoperability, with George Fletcher of AOL [PDF], Mike Beach of Boeing [PDF], Jim Heaton of GM [PDF], Ian Bailey of the BC Government [PDF] and Georgia Marsh of GSA [PDF] explaining the interop issues they are facing, as well as some notable successes. This time round, representatives of Chevron, InCommon and the State Services Commission of the New Zealand Government will be presenting. Admission is free - just add yourself to the wiki.

Next month, from October 23rd to 25th, is the Liberty Alliance plenary meeting in Tokyo. The plenary meeting is Liberty members-only, but there is an open workshop day on the Friday. On the packed bill are Roger Sullivan of Oracle, Makoto Hatakeyama of NEC, Paul Madsen of NTT, Prateek Mishra of Oracle, Yukio Itakura of the Institute of Information Security, Colin Wallis of the New Zealand State Services Commission, Ken Ojiri of NTT, Brett McDowell of the Liberty Alliance, Kenji Takahashi of NTT and my good self. I will be presenting an update on open source identity at Sun - OpenSSO, OpenDS and… well, you’ll have to wait and see. The event is free - just register here.

November brings my first ever trip to Raleigh, North Carolina, on November 8th, to talk to the Triangle Linux Users Group. They’ve given me 2 hours (the fools!) to wax lyrical on identity from LDAP to SAML and beyond. Attendance is free and open, so, if you’re in the Triangle area, come along. It starts at 7pm and, apparently, there is pizza.

Finally, in December, the good folks at Javapolis in Antwerp have kindly invited me to present 3 sessions - one each on SAML 2.0, Liberty ID-WSF 2.0 and OpenSSO. Hmm - I must submit those abstracts… I’m afraid you have to pay this time, but, at 410 Euros for the entire week (December 10th - 14th), it’s great value. Here’s the registration page.

So - there you have it - come along to one of the events, say hi, eat pizza and find out about identity, federation and OpenSSO


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