A Dedication to Don Bowen at LIVESTRONG Action

1 minute read

Reformatted from the ‘tell-a-friend’ email provided by the LIVESTRONG website:

I just joined Don Bowen’s dedication page at LIVESTRONG Action. Don Bowen inspired someone close to me to commit to end cancer, and now I’ve joined with them.

This page is a part of the world’s largest dedication book that LIVESTRONG Action will use to pressure world leaders to do more to fight cancer. If we can collect enough names in the book, it will have a real impact when Lance Armstrong delivers it - but we need more signatures.

Can you take a moment to add your name to the dedication page?


Lance Armstrong recently dedicated his ride in the Tour de France to the fight against cancer. Now that the race is over, he’ll send this dedication book - with your signature - to world leaders and pressure them to make cancer a priority in their own countries. It’s our best chance to push for better treatment, more funding for cancer research and access to care for everyone around the world.

But if people like us don’t stand up, these leaders won’t pay attention.

Will you check out the dedication page? Don Bowen inspired me to take action - hopefully they’ll inspire you to do the same:


Great idea, Melanie!!!


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